Spinster black foid "I want to cut your shitty hair!"


Well-known Member
Aug 16, 2023
How many men do you see who are almost 30 with these curls and thickness?

The title of this post was from a comment I recieved from a black 30 year old foid who's from London on the dating app Badoo. Foids are truely wonderful.

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Being a mentalcel is unironically the biggest failo there is. Even manlets get pussy in Asia but if you're mentally insane and have no friends or social skills, even chinkfoids avoid you.
Drug dealers, career criminals, murderers, etc. All get pussy despite being mentally ill psychopaths, because women find them to be good looking or high in status. Having sex with women in the short term has NOTHING to do with one's behaviour, it's entirely looks or status based.
Drug dealers, career criminals, murderers, etc. All get pussy despite being mentally ill psychopaths, because women find them to be good looking or high in status. Having sex with women in the short term has NOTHING to do with one's behaviour, it's entirely looks or status based.
thats nichemaxxing its not normal

nt is everything

these gook niggas cope with anime tiddies in japan while ur cry at night

View attachment 6224

ugly sloth eyed spic nt mogs u
Btw just wanted to say, I look above average and write a lot of autistic shit. I can ask them if it's okay if im virgin and they respond "oh that's cute". You can write anything. It gets harder if you talking to whore who has a lot of followers. For example, one latina had ~4k simp followers and conversation was easy. One nigger whore had 10k and it was one sided conversations. (Most of the followers are ethnics). They get thousand likes on their whore pics, dozens of comments from ethnics writing heart emojis and shit. Pathetic
Btw just wanted to say, I look above average and write a lot of autistic shit. I can ask them if it's okay if im virgin and they respond "oh that's cute". You can write anything. It gets harder if you talking to whore who has a lot of followers. For example, one latina had ~4k simp followers and conversation was easy. One nigger whore had 10k and it was one sided conversations. (Most of the followers are ethnics). They get thousand likes on their whore pics, dozens of comments from ethnics writing heart emojis and shit. Pathetic
Drug dealers, career criminals, murderers, etc. All get pussy despite being mentally ill psychopaths, because women find them to be good looking or high in status. Having sex with women in the short term has NOTHING to do with one's behaviour, it's entirely looks or status based.
Psychopathic career criminals are not socially handicapped mentalcels.
Bitch has thousands of followers and responds with more enthusiasm than me. I don't even want to fuck her and will ghost her


Pathetic simps following her jfl


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