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  1. Marco Pumpo

    JFL Online dating profile fails

    Congratulations, you've ruined your face forever...
  2. Marco Pumpo

    im leaving this shit forum

  3. Marco Pumpo

    im leaving this shit forum

    @KingOfAsia your mood swings are hardcore
  4. Marco Pumpo

    im leaving this shit forum

    lol @MACHETE "whitoid"? wtf... first time i read that term, i even had to look it up. apparently some 4chan hater language. this forum really brings the darkest corners of the internet together. .. which countries are you referring to by "third world hell" that a whitoid wouldn't survive a day...
  5. Marco Pumpo

    Geomax Foreign language learning compared

    Depends on your plans. But I assume you are spanish native, so learning french would take you only half the time that russian would. Como quieres!
  6. Marco Pumpo

    Geomax Foreign language learning compared

    just came to read this now because it's so long. so to summarize, now you speak decent korean, japanese, italian and russian? that's quite impressive. and btw this chart is not meant to discourage anyone. just to put things into perspective before investing your time. if you have your reasons...
  7. Marco Pumpo

    Geomax STD Rates by Country 2024

    fyi i corrected the numbers, there was an error. unfortunately it's not that simple: "One of the mechanisms by which infection with HSV-2 increases the probability of acquiring HIV is through the generation of microlesions by HSV-2 at the site of infection, which exposes immune cells in the...
  8. Marco Pumpo

    Geomax STD Rates by Country 2024

    @user @NiggerLover @Pained4ever i will reply to your HIV comments here so that it can stay collected in this thread: yes, the transmission rate from infected females to males is very low (0.04%) under ideal conditions, BUT: 1. it is about 26 times higher if the source partner is either in the...
  9. Marco Pumpo

    How to bareback prostitutes and not get stds?

    it's like putting your hand into the fire. eventually you will get burned.
  10. Marco Pumpo

    it sucks being banned from everywhere

    shit. reddit is quite strict, they even block vpn in general
  11. Marco Pumpo

    How to bareback prostitutes and not get stds?

    unfortunately science is not at that point yet to cover the worst ones. maybe in about 20 years. i expect international sex tourism to explode when the breakthrough is actually there. until then you might wanna take a look at this:
  12. Marco Pumpo

    JFL Tinder experience after being shadow banned

    you are most likely not shadowbanned. if only lowest tier people are shown to you it means you have landed in the lowest tier yourself. i know this because i have been in different tiers. after using an autoswiper i ended up in a low tier as well and only ugly people were shown to me. it's...
  13. Marco Pumpo

    it sucks being banned from everywhere

    @KingOfAsia didn't you pull some business client recently from reddit? how did that work when you got banned? or did the ban happen after that?
  14. Marco Pumpo

    should i focus on business or careermaxx

    are you guys from austria?
  15. Marco Pumpo

    should i focus on business or careermaxx

    wise words. kinda surprised to read such lines here. looks like this dude left though, too bad.
  16. Marco Pumpo

    i'm gonna find the highest cliff and do a backflip off it to end my suffering

    this is your third fake suicide thread this week in the geomaxxing section. :rolleyes: do it in off-topic at least...
  17. Marco Pumpo

    News x

    @KingOfAsia dude, why did you delete this? it was the best sheet on the forum, i joined after seeing this...
  18. Marco Pumpo

    Ive tried every ethnicity, ask me anything

    retarded is below 70. shows once again that a nice jawline can be sufficient to make girls jump on a guy. black pill confirmation.
  19. Marco Pumpo

    Geomax English Language Proficiency By Country 2023

    right, in the countryside that's gonna be a problem. bangkok is slightly more acceptable though. for the sake of completion i will add the available city stats here:
  20. Marco Pumpo

    Geomax Average Asian Female Face
