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  1. BallaBoy

    Geomax This is the average geomaxxer

    Based geomaxxing youtuber.
  2. BallaBoy

    Geomax This is the average geomaxxer

    Sounds like he's about to get a stroke any minute.
  3. BallaBoy

    Interesting dood. Kinda based, sometimes.

    Interesting dood. Kinda based, sometimes.
  4. BallaBoy

    Raping is natural and should be normalized

    David Parker Ray maxxing innit
  5. BallaBoy

    Raping is natural and should be normalized

    Yeah, rape is wrong generally I feel like. Although there are many metrics to take into consideration when judging the morality of a crime. Some girls have it coming, while others absolutely don't.
  6. BallaBoy

    Raping is natural and should be normalized

    I like how you didn't react to the morality of rape, just the legal consequences. Based, I guess.
  7. BallaBoy

    Recommendation There is no purer love than teenage love

    Depends. I felt much more alive in my early teens, nowadays I feel like I'm living in a simulation / videogame. Doubt it would feel the same, since emotions numb away with time.
  8. BallaBoy

    Raping is natural and should be normalized

    How many have you raped? Give us some stories
  9. BallaBoy

    What're you guys doing about disease

    Perhaps, but if you're gonna be overthinking everything, then geomaxxing is probably not for you. Geomaxxing is for risk takers and visionaries. Not people who take 5 vaccines before going.
  10. BallaBoy

    What're you guys doing about disease

    Niggas with functioning immune systems aren't affected by disease.
  11. BallaBoy

    Recommendation There is no purer love than teenage love

    Missing out on common social milestones builds character.
  12. BallaBoy

    Raping is natural and should be normalized

    Any age limit in your opinion?
  13. BallaBoy

    Raping is natural and should be normalized

    Are there degrees to rape that aren't fine according to you? Or should torturous / violent assaults also be legalized in your opinion?
  14. BallaBoy

    Raping is natural and should be normalized

    Eida way, legalize the swastika
  15. BallaBoy

    Raping is natural and should be normalized

    Elaborate. What exactly is rape according to you?
  16. BallaBoy

    Looks Which of David Bond's Phili GFs fog?

    If I could get a GF like the girl to the right, I'd be fockin happey.
  17. BallaBoy

    Recommendation Building an Only Fans empire in SEA?

    Post some samples here, sounds fantastic btw.
  18. BallaBoy

    Looks Which of David Bond's Phili GFs fog?

    I like them all but my rating is: 1st: Girl on the right hand side (Would say Stacylite) 2nd: Girl on the left hand side (not very conventionally attractive, but very cute somehow) 3d: Girl in the middle (She's decent looking, but her midface is a little long, and makes her look less feminine).
  19. BallaBoy

    Recommendation Building an Only Fans empire in SEA?

    Vanilla content on OF is oversaturated. There are more niche markets with less supply in relation to demand. But OF might work, just keep the girl in shack, so that she doesn't one day say "muuh, it's MY account, now I will do this on my own".
  20. BallaBoy

    Story Just realized that all of my uncles geomaxxed

    Although I believe the aeroplane tech is a freelancer, I'm not too sure tho.